
Rooster Teeth Podcast, cast analysis

Analyzing the impact on Views, Likes, and Dislikes from different cast members on the RT podcast Image source: Overview: Main Purpose: To analyze the impact on Views, Likes, and Dislikes (VLD) from different cast members on the RT podcast Additional Purposes:  Analyzing the affect tags have on VLD Developing different systems to analyze impact performance from VLD Means: The RT video podcast is compiled neatly by the  Rooster Teeth Video Playlist . Additionally, cast members are labeled with their name found in the tags section. Using Social Blade, python HTML scrubbing, and a MATLAB database structure, each video on the playlist had their VLD data and tags downloaded. Tags were counted as entries into the database. If it existed, it would accumulate the VLD data associated to the tag, while if it did not exist, it would create a new entry with the VLD data.  Disclosure: This analysis does not include data from pod...